Friday, July 13, 2012

Rehearsals and writing

Time sure flies don't it? It's been over a month since I posted and for a while there I was doing it every day . . . life intrudes that's for sure, plus I don't want to post and say the same thing every time and the news right now is rehearsals for 'It Can't Happen Here' and poking around the ice on pond of my wrtiing to see on which piece the ice is thickest right now (which translates to, what do I want to work on). I did some work on Letter of Resignation, which I will be reading at Woodstock and I think it may be better for it. Nothing major, just cleaning it up a tad. I need to practice tying a bow tie, but I keep forgetting. Bette says he could wear a clip on but I don't think so; people who wear bow ties, wear bow ties . . . not clip ons. Though it woould be easier . . . I just need to get some reps in . . . Rehearsals for Wallace's play (It Can't Happen Here) are going well and are a lot of fun. For one thing I love Wallace and working with him is always rewarding; and Bette and I are having a lot of fun doing it too! We are the parents of a teenage boy with some issues and our first scene with him confronts him when he comes home drunk. The scene was really crackling Wed night when we worked on it . . . A bit of a pause on the Beulah play and there is another solo piece that I'm thinking about . . . we shall see . . . nice to be back to blog land . . . I've missed it!