Thursday, May 6, 2010

I missed you too!

An inadvertent few days away from the blogoshpere! Things just happen, you know? Unfortunately, none of it theater related. Still waiting to hear from the Playwrights First (a finalist, remember?); and that history play contest (which, if I haven't heard from by now I guess I have my answer) and then there's the biggy, the NYFA grant . . . that could be literally any day now . . . I'm watching the mail about like my daughter did when she was waiting to hear from Bennington College . . . I hope my news is as good as hers was!

I went to the Fringe Playwrights Unit on Tuesday night. It was good to see everyone, though very few showed up; smallest turn out I can remember, only about 13 or so. I still enjoyed it though. Nice people; good friends, very warm atmosphere. A lot of comments and questions about the show.

I started this morning with writing new stuff about the 'ex' in OH. Actually it's exploration more than writing and I enjoyed it a lot. I just have to take the time to do more of it. I also need to run lines on a regular basis . . . I don't want to have to relearn stuff when the time comes, y'know?

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