Saturday, March 5, 2011

Arts on the Lake

Met all the folks involved in the production for Blue Horse Rep today. Nice folks. I have known Lora Lee for quite a while, going back to the early Blueberry Pond days; and I had met Peggity on one other occasion, nice folks who are doing it for all the right reasons.

I got the chance to hear the other piece that shares the evening, Cemetery Man by Ken Jenkins. Nice piece. Funny, moving. Goes well with Old Hickory I think. In fact, it would be hard to think of a solo piece that would be a better fit, similar vibe, by which I mean more of what I call the hillbilly gothic thing. I won't say too much about it other than to say I'm happy to be sharing the bill with it. George Kimmel, who is acting the piece did a very nice job, and we were just sitting around a table running lines, can't wait to see him act it. Another in a long line of connections that keep springing up with these people, turns out George was in a play that I saw during one of my Louisville excursions back in the mid 80's; I didn't remember him in it, but I remembered seeing the play which was called 'In a Northern Landscape', a stark piece with a really lovely set; the only actor I can remember in it was Frederick Majors who played the lead, but anyway it was a nice kick that George was in a play I had seen there.

Old Hickory got a nice reception from the folks around the table. Lots of laughs (and where they are supposed to be thank you very much). So now I have just under two weeks to get it burnished back into shape. I really feel like I could do it right now and it would be just fine; but with a few rehearsals with Wallace it should be singing again. I can't wait.

Actually started another piece this morning, we'll see what happens with it. I got the idea as I was watching another piece at the Fringe the other night, and I actually started working the idea some this morning . . . if I can capture what I think is there, it could be good creepy fun. More as it happens.

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