Saturday, January 26, 2013

My morning pages

Maybe I should make this blog a morning ritual, like the morning pages in An Artist's Way. Maybe if I did that it would do two things: get me writing consistently again and be more regular with the old blogging!

Of course the blog started to track Old Hickory and I was very religious in keeping it updated as Wallace and I adventured with the piece . . . not so much recently. So let's play catchup!

The Snowball Festival was . . . let's say . . . interesting. I'm certainly glad I didn't put a lot of energy into the tech end of things because I was in a small gallery space (smaller than many of the rehearsal rooms you see around town) with no lights to speak of and no sound equipment. I had done the piece for some friends in their dining room the weekend before and it was good practise for the minimalist approach as it was just me and my knives basically.

That has it's charms for sure. People have nothing to be distracted by and listen to the words more? Maybe. At any rate, seven people showed for the Snowball Fest and they all seemed pretty enthusiastic about it . . . I don't think I'll do it again next year however . . . but hey, it was a chance to act on a Saturday! And to keep Old Hickory warmed up.

Which leads me to my next topic - the possibility of doing it in the city as part of SoloNova Festival in May. I should be hearing from them in the next week or so . . . they said 'on or about Jan. 31' . . . so fingers crossed. It would be three or four performances so it would be a sweet thing to do. I figure I've done OH 13 times for paying audiences . . . a few more would be awesome.

I heard from One Man Talking . . . and to my shock they made me an alternate this year! That really surprised me. Letter of Resignation is as good as any of the others really and I was looking forward to the opportunity, but it it is what it is I suppose . . . I sure can't make them do it! And it is a lot of work for one performance. Still and all . . . the fourth consecutive year would have been nice.

I need to get back to working on a couple of things . . . the solo piece about posing has a lot of potential . . . I'm going to try to whip it into some kind of shape for the Voices From the Fringe this year.

So . . . that's about it for now . . . a tad more consistency in posting is another goal!

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