Sunday, February 11, 2018

Craftsman update

The work continues! I've been taking baby steps a little at a time and coming up with ways to make The Craftsman work as a play. I have decided that one way to deal with the hallucinations is perhaps to give the audience code that they are coming . . . so when our hero gets hit on the head with the length of pipe there will be a bright flash of white light . . . then each time there is some hallucination the bright light will come and, for example, Uncle Walter will step into the scene . . . it's not written in stone just yet but it is a possibility.

It's interesting to take something from so long ago and revisit it. Especially since it's the first play I've worked on in a long time where I know the ending going in so I have some sense of where it will build to . . . that is assuming the ending doesn't change. Much has. I am basically taking the structure and attacking the scenes as if for the first time. I'm about forty pages in now, not that it matters, it's probably about half way . . .

More on the hallucinations: it's also fun to write with an expectation of stage craft . . . giving them problems I'm not sure how to solve and seeing if I can solve them.

The magic of theater! I'm sure Tony Kushner wasn't quite sure how an angel crashing through the ceiling would work, but work it did!

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