Saturday, January 16, 2016

I'm Baaaccck

Decided this might be a pretty good year to take to the blog again. It looks to be a busy one on the theater side of things: I have a performance of 'Like a Sack of Potatoes' in the city in March (pending seeing the actual agreement I am expected to sign) and Samuel Beckett's 'Happy Days' in the beautiful Byrdcliffe Theatre in Woodstock in August! Add to that returning to my new play, which scares me a bit because of the ambition of it, but that's reason enough to stick with it I think. I'm hoping to present some or all of it as a reading this spring in NYC at the Voices of the Fringe. So all in all 2016 is shaping up to be a busy and fulfilling year!

Y'know . . . all these people dying too young (Bowie, Alan Rickman) is enough to slap a person around and wake them up. But I don't have to go that far afield to be reminded of that; my brother's fourteen year fight with ALS was wake up call enough.

I love a column I read today by David Brooks. In it he quoted Van Gogh: "I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart." Those are words to live by.

I've written a bunch of plays in the last few years, (I have twelve full length on my resume but that doesn't count ones I haven't had readings or some level of activity with) none of them have been produced but that's ok. You do it because you do it. Every step of the way leads to the next one. So here's to an exciting year . . . and I hope to post on a semi regular basis!

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