Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Reading tomorrow

So my new play, as blogged about two months ago, now has a name: Self-Inflicted Wounds. And it's being read tomorrow night. Nice.

I started work on this piece right after we finished up with Happy Days last August . . . it started out as one thing and then over the course of the last seven or eight months has become something distinctly different.

It will be interesting to hear it read tomorrow night and maybe to see what folks think about it, if anything!

A lot of work and major changes . . . it doesn't look much like it started out . . . but that's par for the course. You get your ideas down and then you start to refine them . . . this started out as a 60+ page piece and now it's at about 35 . . . and not much in that 35 was part of the original piece.

Sure looks easy when it's up there on stage . . . sure ain't easy to get it there!

When I was doing that audition a few weeks back I had occasion to look at an early version of Old Hickory . . . amazing how different it was from the piece I've performed so many times.

But that's the journey . . . and it never stops.

Speaking of which . . . I'm bapping around ideas for a new piece . . . I took a brief bit into the workshop last week to see how it went . . . it was encouraging.

So now? The reading tomorrow and then I can chill a bit. Write when I want to, read the Power Broker . . . and generally kick back (well. . . working for a living figures in there as well)

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