Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes it clicks . . .

I was looking at one of the solo pieces I had put on a shelf for a while this morning with an eye toward working in a twisty little idea I had for it a couple of weeks ago. I believe that I posted something this when it happened; about waking up with something in my head that was intended for another play, but then it became clear to me as I was working on it that maybe this was a good fit for the solo bit.

At any rate, this morning I was reading over the first draft of the piece (untitled as yet) with an eye toward where it might lead vis a vis the twist I have in mind . . . and sure enough . . . there are many clues that what happened to him in his youth could lead toward some kind of misdeeds later in life . . . it's there and I didn't know it . . . that happens sometimes, the wheels have to turn for a while before the gears click into place, but once they do it can be a beautiful thing.

It's too early to tell whether this will be what I'm thinking it might be; but I absolutely think there is potential . . .

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