Thursday, May 26, 2016

uh-oh . . . a new idea

Don't hate me for this: a new idea for a play fell into my lap this morning . . . but I won't tell you what it is! I know I know, why even bring it up . . . and I'll tell you why: that's what this blog is for! It's as much for me as for you, to track progress of things. I started it in the first place when I was working on Old Hickory in 2010, as sort of a production diary . . . so now we can track this new piece together and see what comes of it. It may be nothing but it may be something wonderful . . . who knows. I have had ideas in the past that went nowhere. I go back to them occasionally and find a way to make them work (Brother of the End of the World is a prime example of that), so who knows. I have at least a half dozen plays that were really good ideas that I couldn't end up bringing to fruition . . . a couple of them keep raising their hands and saying 'Hey what about me', and at least one of them I'm very interested in exploring again . . . but for now I've gotten the first breath of a breeze of a new piece . . . wrote down some ideas/impressions/thoughts, and it may come to something . . . or maybe not.

One thing that I find endlessly interesting: in the couple of periods when I have been unemployed in the last ten or so years, when I have had all the time in the world to write, very little has come of it . . . I've written plays but they aren't even the ones that I'm at all interested in revisiting . . . my best work is when I'm cramming writing into whatever little time I have between running and work and flopping in the evening . . . wonder why that is.

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