Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Actual writing news

I spent a little time with my new piece this morning, which was nice. I had been letting it steep for a while and I had to pay attention to the ending . . . now I can print it and read it over to see how I like it . . . then probably cut some more rewrite some more, etc.

I found out about a competition in the city I want to enter, it just is a matter of which piece to enter. I'm leaning toward 'At Death's Door', but maybe this new one if I like it well enough . . . we'll see. It may be way too soon for the new one though. I'll have to see what I think after I print it.

On the running solo piece front: I did run yesterday morning, but only my default four miles. If it's not raining too hard tomorrow I might go for a bit longer. My mileage for my first week was up considerably. I ran four times from Sunday the 21st through Sat. the 27th and if I had run my default four it would have come to sixteen miles; as it happens I did seven miles twice (21 and 27) four miles on the 23 and of course the Turkey Trot on the 25th (five miles). That totals 23 miles so that is up from what I would typically do. I also drove a course that comes to about thirteen miles so when I get to the point I can do thirteen miles I'll have another option. I can run the half marathon course but it's nice to have other options so it doesn't get boring. The real test will be building beyond the thirteen miles and getting to the twenty six . . . but if I'm sane about it and don't try to do too much too soon I'm sure I'll be ok.

I checked, just out of curiosity and the Philly marathon is open for applications on April 1. NYC marathon is already up and running! These guys do plan ahead! One of the requirements of NYC is to have a time of 1:40 or better for a half marathon, and I do of course: 1:29 to be exact! Maybe I should apply to both, even though the logistics of getting to Staten Island are daunting . . . we'll see.

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