Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thursday's rehearsal . . .

We had another good one on Thurs. night. Wallace liked my idea of moving the play indoors to the kitchen and we worked on moment to moment stuff, and got all the way to the first confrontation between Jimmy and his dear wife. As always, Wallace had some good notes and encouraged me to go as far as I want to, you don't have to worry about going too far at this stage of the game . . . it's one of those things you know, instinctively, but it's good to hear none the less.

He also suggested that, when I do the reading on Tuesday night, that I do it with script. As he put it: we don't have to show them our private work just yet. Despite what I said previously about wanting to do it sans book, I think this idea makes a lot of sense. There is really nothing to gain by doing it from memory, and a significant amount to lose if I get in there and scramble things up . . . what you don't need in your first foray into solo shows, is to go in feeling defensive cause you blew the reading. I think it's best not to peak too soon.

So that's the plan. Can't wait. Just ran lines with Bette and it went pretty well, though distractions from the dog and the fire alarm across the way didn't help any. I know all the big stuff, there's just some little things that I botch from time to time and I might as well have being word perfect as my goal. Who said this would be easy anyway? If they did, they lied.

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