Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A few days away

A weekend in Bennington is good for what ails you. We went to celebrate the birthdays and just hang out with my daughter some. It was a very nice weekend (rain and traffic on the way up there not withstanding). Did zero writing but that's ok. It comes when it comes and I didn't really expect to get much done in the way or writing while I was up there. It would be a lovely place for a retreat, but in this instance that isn't what I was there for. It was just a good time.

I did print the new thing I've been working on to see how it flowed. It really has had a strange gestation: it began as just writing to get myself back in the habit of writing, so it was just autobiographical stories about my fear of snakes and heights; then that morphed into memories of a very colorful friend that I had while in college and then, as I mentioned in my last post, I had this 'ah-ha' moment of who is telling these stories. I wasn't sure if it would hold together at all, but it wasn't horrible. Smooth the transitions some perhaps, get the character of the character telling the story more into it . . . but it's a start, that's for sure.

So I'm gonna just let it sit and ripen a bit. Then come back to it with a more critical eye.

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