Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday update . . .

I actually did something a tad unusual yesterday: I ran lines for Old Hickory, but not while running. I was in the house, relatively undistracted, and ran them just to see how they flowed. One or two rough spots, but nothing unmanagable . . . which is good; you don't want to have to reinvent the wheel every time out. So I feel pretty good about that. If I keep working them I should be in good shape for when we rev it up again.

I also read over the new piece. It held up pretty well. There were some redundancies, which is to be expected at this stage; the way I work, writing in spurts and not necessarily in sequence, I never really know until I come back and read through the pieces that I put together, what to expect. But I think it has real potential for a moving piece . . . if I don't screw it up. Now I can sort of fill in the blanks of who these people are and what they have been through in the thirty years since they saw each other. It'a a bit too tiddy right now, but that's what rewriting is for.

Other than that, most of the weekend was spent with Christmas stuff. Did go see The King's Speech; a marvelous movie that will win lots of awards. I've seen three of the five SAG nominees for lead actor, and Colin Firth is the man as far as I am concerned.

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