Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hell week!

It has been busy. Which is why I haven't posted much. I guess I kind of forgot what 'hell week' was like, especially when you work for a living. The last time I was prepping a show for an opening (also Old Hickory as it happens) it was in Woodstock and if that was hell week then that's where I want to go when I die.

Living in the housing provided by the festival, getting up in the morning and walking to rehearsal in that beautiful spot . . . it was a profoundly happy time for me. Hell it was not.

This week isn't all that bad either, but I have been a little sleep deprived. Teching Sunday night and then running the show after a cue to cue on Monday then getting up for work in the morning and driving into the city last night for the WF Playwrights unit . . . let's just say I haven't been getting up at 5 am as per usual.

Things will settle down a bit though. We rehearse tonight at 9 then tomorrow at a normal time; and Friday night we open. This time next week OH will be a happy memory until we rev it up again, which may not be too long. The Blue Horse Rep folks are talking about a May date perhaps . . . and I am bound and determined to do a showcase in the city . . . either with OH as a stand alone or with some companion piece as yet TBD.

For now though I have some fun to look forward to over the coming nights. It's a heck of a lot of work, but what could be more worthwhile? There is just no feeling like being in the theater with folks you care about with everyone working toward the same goal . . . and that goal is to put on your play! I mean. Really.

It reminds me of a story about Edward Albee sitting in the theater as the workmen built the set for Virginia Wolfe, and Richard Barr, his producer approaches him and says, 'You see all those people up there working? They are here because you wrote a play!'

What a feeling!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I were there but you can bet the friendly spirit hovering over and around is yours truly. Go get 'em! And yes, this will be an out of body experience!

