Saturday, February 18, 2012

How's this for a schedule?

So now that Old Hickory is off the boards (albeit temporarily) it's onward with Like a Sack of Potatoes, which goes up on March 4th at 1 pm - two weeks from tomorrow. I am now into a rhythm with learning the lines, my goal is a page a day minimum and that has been going very well. I've always been a pretty quick study, the hardest part is setting your mind to it and setting aside the time for it. When I was learning OH I was unemployed, so I could spend three hours a day . . . every day . . . on learning lines; and I did just that. Now things are different, but I have committed myself to making it part of my morning routine and it gets done.

Something has to give however, and for now that something is the writing. That will change after March 4th when I will go back to working on my newest piece, which I will be prepping for a late April reading. And then hopefully some time in May Blue Horse Rep will be presenting OH.

Next weekend, in the midst of all this madness, I am going to participate in the Self-Production Boot Camp in the city; it will either increase my resolve to present my work myself . . . or it will show me just what an idiot I'd have to be to get into this .. . and . . . next weekend are also the final two performances of the Black History Month readings at the Nyack Village Theatre.

And oh, yes . . . we take my daughter back to school tomorrow . . . and I have a job that, though I like it . . . is pretty intense!

Things are popping and I hope to keep it that way!

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