Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just checking in

Nothing special going on right now, but since it's been a week since the previous posting I thought I should stay in touch.

I ran OH lines again today, this time during my run, it went well, but I have been putting off learning the new stuff. I don't know if it's being lazy or wanting Wallace's feedback before I commit . . . my sense is that it's a tad of laziness; I really should get to work on it.

But not today.

Today I'm feeling a bit . . . well how to put it . . .euphoric in one way, sad in another. We went to Laurette's final concert with the high school jazz band last night. It was really wonderful and she played beautifully. She's so talented. I hope she really finds what she's looking for in the world . . . she's on the cusp and she knows it. Everything is possible and that's a beautiful place to be. I don't think I felt that way when I went to college. I know I felt that it was something new, but I don't think I really felt like the world was mine . . . I guess that's the difference between growing up in a very small town in West Virginia with a high school with no real creative outlet, as opposed to Nyack HS, which has every conceivable creative outlet. It's amazing. There are some exceptionally talented kids in her class and she's one of them . . . it'll be interesting to see where they go . . . I hope no one steps on their dreams and tells them they're crazy for dreaming.

So big changes are in the air and it's good to see; but it'll be way different in casa Siler when she goes away. That's what happens when you have kids though, you give them the best you can to make sure they feel good about themselves and then step out of the way.

I guess that lump in my throat is natural . . . back when I'd walk in the woods in West Virginia I'd dream about moving to New York and having . . . well . . . what I have now basically . . . I always told myself I'd like to bring one reasonable person into the world . . . and I've exceeded that by monster steps . . . so you can get what you want after all . . . and the work continues.

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